Folk Republicans

Kind and respectful is a great start, a sense of humor is imperative. Kind to the eyes a plus. Would love to find romance through friendship, and intelligence is very sexy

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WIDE AWAKE TO THE CURRENT GEO-POLITICAL SITUATION. YOU ARE TOO. #UNVACCINATED Hi, I’m a Trump supporter through and through #MAGA. USA, the greatest country in the world!! I have always loved the US, the land of the brave and free, and am looking...

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I am self sufficient and capable, just over doing it on my own. Looking for someone with similar philosphy to life, politics, spirituality. Not looking for hook ups (those are too easy to come by), looking for the real thing.

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Conservative Christian ready to welcome my soulmate. Non-vaxed and very much into holistic health. Looking for the same as there is still time to live our best lives and age gracefully together. Love camping, adventures, and spending quality time...

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Conservative gal looking for a conservative guy. Been single for a decade. Looking for a long term relationship:

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Writing these feels so awkward. I would far prefer getting to know you on a date. Tell me your passions, your career, whatever you feel defines you face to face so I can tell how genuine you are. Given the nature of the site I feel obligated to...

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I am a Quality, devoted, loyal, positive personality. Like attracts. I am living my best life with R.A.

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Describe myself? I hate this part. Anyway, I'm outgoing, easy going, enjoy spontaneity, quite nights and dance nights. Harleys and horses I ride both, though I own neither. I enjoy movies action mostly but I have my moments. I love to dance, not...

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I was born and raised in Pittsburgh but the southern United States is in my DNA, so now I live in Florida. I knew I was a Republican in 6th grade. Maybe I can relay that story to you sometime. I love I REALLY love history, especially...

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